@[email protected] 有捏!
@yan132 怎么说,感觉媒介真的挺能决定人的思维的……有时候就是因为“有一些麻烦”真的就会让很多人停下脚步,出来之后发现accessibility比我想象得还要重要
@yan132 也可能是因为在国内真的没啥能看了
@fateGPT gpt不能理解稍微复杂一点的中文句式是不是……nvm
well let's hope so
@jackf97 呜呜!谢谢象友
“It’s similar to a video game — if you’re at level five only to get reset to level one, you won’t feel as driven to keep playing. So, if you end April on a 30-day workout streak, make May 1st day 31. (And use your fresh start for a fresh goal.)
The awesome thing about the fresh start effect is that you have hundreds of opportunities to declare a day as special and start anew. It’s just up to you to mark your starting point, get set, and go toward that new version of you. ”
“……the anticipation of a special calendar date (like your birthday or New Year’s) encourages you to pause and reflect on who you are versus who you want to be. And when you assess your future goals and plan for them accordingly, you’re more likely to be motivated to take action. ”
the real-life recording of "let yourself be gutted, let it open you."
⚠ 提前预警 ⚠ 最近谈恋爱很起劲 ⚠ 受不了异性恋的现在离开还来得及 ⚠