
读过 Sounds Fake But Okay 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

作为aspec上的aro(大概),在关于aro ace的解释和经历我基本上都经历过/从朋友身上听过,不能说给了我很多新鲜视角,但看到这么一本书写出来,捧在手上读的时候的确觉得没那么孤单和困惑了。relationship那章结尾说:“‍We understand that we have just spent an entire chapterdetailing different ways aspecs can navigate relationships,but we urge you to remember that entering into a partnership is not necessary. Though society urges us to couple off, though the world is built for pairs,the option to remain single is always available.Of course,like everything else in this book, this iseasier said than done. Unfortunately, couple privilege and amatonormativity both exist and even thrive in our society, but thatdoesn't make a single lifestyle impossible. As always, the only right answer is the one that's right for you,and for better or for worse, you are the only one who can decide what that is.” 其实没有给出任何答案,但是读完也获得了一些力量。谢谢所有写出来的人。

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