"I prefer to play abused, tragic alcoholics, and one day, I'll probably be discovered lifeless in an overflowing bathtub with an empty bottle of sleeping pills spilled all over the floor, bu the sad thing is I'm actually a very gifted comedienne."


"You're perfect."

"Sometimes I think I'd feel more at home outside the Earth's atmosphere."

@witw 学到了!创建一个奇幻世界先来编一套星座!

@witw 对哦……我还在想妈妈的星座是和哪个相似,其实没有必要啊!

"My mother couldn't remember which was which, so she made up her own constellations. That one's the Coat Hanger. That one's the Leaky Faucet. Over there's Fried Egg with Spatula."

"Why don't you just go home?"

"I don't think I should be alone in a building with real windows."

"Cleopatra, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Paracelsus, Kurt Gödel, William Henry Bragg, Lord Kelvin, Midge Campbell."

"[Your mom] would've gotten [the alien] to tell us the secrets of the universe or yelled at him or made him laugh. She would've had a hypothesis. "

"If you wanted to live a nice, quiet, peaceful life, you picked the wrong time to get born."

